
Curricular Goals

Sociology is interested in the processes by which macroscopic social structures are created, maintained, or changed; the characteristics and problems of the diverse systems that make up a society; the variations in characteristics and tasks per group/member; and how individuals are influenced by society and/or bring about social change. Sociology has consistently developed the theoretical frameworks and methods of resource collection/analysis that are necessary to properly analyze such phenomena, based on which this field of study has contributed to social advancement by proposing problem-solving skills and policy alternatives at various levels. It is within this academic tradition that the Department of Sociology aims to, amid a complex and fast-changing reality, cultivate individuals who know how to collect/analyze the information that is needed to properly diagnose social problems and design constructive alternative plans that are broad in scope and future-centric. By focusing on training that utilizes diverse social survey methodologies and social statistical methods to develop the ability to collect, process, and interpret data—regardless of the circumstances—that need to be analyzed, critically analyze cultural phenomena that emerge in various cultural and media platforms, and cultivate the ability to create/plan new cultural changes, our curriculum aims to produce experts in tasks related to social research, media & cultural work, and comprehensive planning.